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Accelerating Adoption of Quantum-Secure Cryptography in the Real World

Our Purpose

The Post-Quantum Cryptography Coalition (PQCC) comes together as a community of technologists, researchers, and expert practitioners to drive progress toward broader understanding and public adoption of post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and the associated National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards. The PQCC will emphasize classical cryptosystems with quantum-safe security (vs quantum solutions) to enable information security in an era of cryptographically-relevant quantum computers. 

The PQCC’s aim is to step forward as knowledgeable experts in providing critical outreach and education to support PQC migration and to bolster efforts to establish and implement interoperable standards and technology.

Founding Members


The MITRE Corporation



IBM Quantum



Advisory Board


Douglas Stebila

Jonathan Katz

Hart Montgomery

Peter Schwabe